Spinney works completed April – July 2020 Under 5 rocker cleanedunder 5 -all bark chipping removed and replacedUnder 5 benches paintednew bench in under five and bins painted plus gates cleanedsteps to zip wire straightened and posts replacedsteps to zip wire straighten and posts replacedsteps to reading circle straighten & posts replacedsteps up to K2 straightened and posts replacedtwo new steps and slides bark chippings removed and replacedanother two new step frontbark chippings dug out and replaced on slidesbench repainted near slidesnew bench in sensory gardengrass cut in orchardmeadow grass cutgrass cut and benches painted near car park dell area grass cutequbase benches painted4 benches near car park paintednew bench on K2 and climbing framenew bench next to zip wirebark chippings bug out and replaced